Valanis Bay
Valanis Bay is located on the remote planet Gaia. It is a beachfront town with portals to other worlds. Alas the town is often at war, and the leadership in chaos. Valanis is special because of its artistic charm and openness to magic users who are feared in other places. The central hub is the public beach, with local shops and a stage for nightly talent shows. Cliffs surround the beach, creating a vibrant aesthetic. Just outside town is a vast wilderness, with forests and mountains for tribes and wildlings. Neighboring towns have a variety of styles.
While politicians rise and fall, the de facto ruler of Valanis is the telekinetic psion, Lord Sky. Long ago, he was exiled from his homeland Erosia when he accidentally stumbled into immortality and his power got out of control. After being reborn into a body in many worlds, he ultimately took up residence in Valanis because he found a portal to Erosia and decided to guard it until he could find a way to reverse his exile.
See Our StoryPortals
You can plant any portal you like, or simply come to Valanis and write yourself in. This gives you the freedom to expand characters from your own work, who might come from other worlds.
A Little Of Our Story
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia
See Our Story